Wednesday, November 26, 2008


My existing laptop has many stories to tell; only if you have those ears to listen…but how many stories could be created in its lifetime.  There is a saturation point for everything.  Meaning, my laptop does not have any new stories to cook up and I already got bored of listening to its existing ones ever since I bought it, (close to) past two years ago.  Specially, that scary failure of its DVD writer...and those infectious virus attack which are eating up all my files & folders despite of having valid antivirus protection.  So these days I am planning to replace my laptop with a new one.  Well, you should know I am not at all sentimental with my belongings, so I don’t really have any qualms in their replacements for a better deal…he he he

So my last weekend was spent in exploring the market for a better deal.  Now market research is something which most of the time fights with my impulsive purchasing habit…and strangely looses the fight…he he he.  Anyways, while entering an electronic shop, I strangely asked the attendant, “This one is supposed to be an electronic shop right?  I am looking for laptops.”  I asked that question because I saw few paintings on the wall of the shop which appeared to be some creative wall hangings.  The attendant smiled and pointed his fingers towards those wall hangings.  To my surprise, those wall hangings were branded with a Dell logo.  And when I checked it closely, those appeared to be the most creative blend of art, painting, fashion and technology.   And I was like…SURPRIZED…

You all know I have this strange habit of going deep into the reasoning of anything which surprises me a lot.  So I started my research with Dell Laboratories and their marketing strategy.  After going through several websites, magazines and newspapers, I learnt that the man behind this effort is Ed Boyd, one of Dell’s most unusual hires in recent years.  He is an industrial designer who worked earlier with Nike for designing their shoes and sunglasses.  The 43 year young Boyd is trying to make design an integral part of Dell, the personal computer maker long known for cranking out boring gray boxes which were perfect enemies of eye catching creativity. 

Dell is charging an extra premium of $75.00 from it’s customers for attractive designs which would even become customized in future.  This is on top of the basic $699.00 price tag for the company’s budget line portables.  Presently the designs are from Nigerian painter Joseph Amedokpo, South African graphic artist Siobhan Gunning and Canadian designer Bruce Mau.  I wonder, whether Indian artists have gone hibernating these days…he he he…The options for customizing the overall appearance of your future Dell laptops will go far beyond mixing scores of colors, patterns and textures with personalized photographs too.  In the world of computers, Boyd is using his successful Nike approach of letting people design their own sneakers.  He he he…

With the global economy heading towards slowdown and recession thereby forcing consumers to cut down their expenses, it will be a difficult situation to charge any sort of premium for cool designs.  Especially for companies like Dell that don’t have an established reputation for design.  But Boyd is hell bent on taking risks even during the turbulent times of market failure.  May be, that’s why I have started keeping one of my eyes on him to check how insanely creative he can be to generate those additional cash flows from the market, thereby reviving stodgy image of it’s company’s product.   Last year he hired an obscure graffiti artist named Mike Ming to create images for Dell products, a move that worried some of Dell’s straight laced staff.  He also signed off on an undersized keyboard for Dell’s first mini notebook PC, a decision companies founders clearly disagreed with.  However, the sales figures for these limited edition Dell products designed by Ming exceeded the consumer expectations and hence forced Michael Dell to give a green signal to Boyd for continuing his innovation stories. 

Boyd’s design staff has now grown to 120 people scattered from Austin to Miami to Singapore.  There are dozens of PhD’s in his group accompanying Engineering, Computer Science and cognitive psychology experts.  They all follow only one mantra – “Design isn’t just cosmetic.”  He he he…Goodjob Mr. Boyd. 

Although, these cool looking laptops might be a hit in the market and can be very visible in the MBA campuses and cafes, I would still go with those executive looks which actually gel with my personality.  I really don’t know if it would be the studio edition of Dell or some other brand, but I am really convinced by the innovative strategies Dell and Mr. Boyd has chalked out for the company’s image makeover.  Surely, it is Dull no more…he he he…try pronouncing Dull with an E effect in between...he he he…it is Dell from now on…

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Goodbye Dear Preachings & Teachings

“The best way to multiply knowledge is – Divide it.” 

Now that is something which I used to believe ever since childhood.  Not anymore…he he he…

The sentence looks good only in terms of optimism.  It emits positive radiance when read with an innocent mind.   It obviously qualifies to fit into those forwarded emails that we randomly send to all in our email lists.  It also has the power to be highlighted on the flashboards under the heading “Quotation Of The Day”, where in people would read it, feel good about it and then forget it after few hours.  He he he…

Ever since I mended myself, I developed conscious awareness about what I wanted from my life.  Words like Business, Valuations, Investment Analysis, WallStreet, Mergers & Acquisitions, Equity Research, Financial Modeling, Entrepreneurship, Business Plans, Project management, Six Sigma and so on an so froth are not just words for me anymore.  They became way of my life. 

I always remain eager to acquire knowledge about topics that interests me, for the simple reason – I want to be on the top of them.  I don’t want to be speechless or ignorant when someone asks me things pertaining to them.  By the word “someone” I do not mean that any Tom, Dick or Harry elevate himself and asks me petty questions which I don’t even feel like answering.  It actually means someone intellectual enough, whose question reflects his/her substance.  On the top of it, while looking into the mirror, I don’t wish to feel ashamed of having incomplete / inappropriate knowledge about these topics.  Believe me; feeling ashamed of facing my self in a mirror would be the worst mortification that I may ever set for myself. 

Now let’s come directly to the hard fact of life…Can any Tom, Dick or Harry develop his knowledge to raise his intellectual capital?  Well, personality development gurus & most of the self help books would give you an affirmative answer to this question, except me.  He he he…You really need to be a fighter if you want to prove your mettle in acquiring knowledge and being dexterous in a particular field.  And if you are a fighter, believe me; you do not fall in the genre of being any Tom, Dick or Harry.  By being a fighter, you have already created your own class, which separates you from rest of the mass. 

Willingness – is something which comes very naturally to most of us.  However, there are people who remain ignorant to many facts and hence lack willingness.  How can a person develop his knowledge pertaining to LBO Modeling if he does not even know the concept of Leverage Buy Out.  Lack of technical and fundamental know how, becomes the prime factor in their lack of willingness too.  And for those whom it comes very easily, it does not qualify as willingness, unless you actually work towards its fulfillment. 

Time & Energy – are the actual price which people often pay in getting those immaterial things into their life that they almost tend to ignore their opportunity cost.  People remain busy in unnecessary clubbing every Friday night.  Daaru / Disc party is something which they can not resist.  Bitching, fighting, making pseudo relationships and doing all sorts of foolish activities in getting the attention of those hanging whores and bastards are just examples of wasting time & energy efficiently.  He he he… And then, people say…Yaar Time Nahi Milta aajkal…aur mil bhi jaaye to energy nahi bachti…he he he

Focus – what’s that?  He he he…Most of us feel jittery when we encounter this word as we often feel that focus has something to do with high form of meditative concentration.  He he he…Isn’t that so?  Well, one just needs to be consciously aware of his moves every time, thereby making it better in every future step taken in the direction of achievement.  Nahi samjhaa naa?…he he he…I knew it…let me make you understand your way…remember how badly you tried on that guy / girl whom you liked very much and did everything to get him / her in your life?  If you have reasons for not having that guy / girl in your life today, you were not focused enough…otherwise you pretend to show that you don’t know that F word…he he he…Most of us understands this word only when used for such reasons.  Now what do we call it?  Irony, isn’t it?  He he he

Money – now how the hell is it related to knowledge development?  Even though people earn hefty salaries, they don’t feel shy in asking for borrowing those sources of knowledge which they can easily get from the market by spending just few hundreds of rupees.  According to them…Why to waste money in purchasing magazines, books and training materials?  People like Rishi hai naa…wohi karenge ye sab…all they have to do is to be in the company of Rishi type people.  So what do they do with their money?  Movies, Dating, Daaru Party, Ladkiya, Dresses, Levis, Reebok, Make Up materials…Uff...And they have to maintain their living expenses too…right?   Sorry, I forgot to mention about those savings which parents would like to see in their banks too…isn’t it? 

Few months ago, I started imparting some training sessions among various groups.  The idea was to multiply knowledge by dividing it.  At first, people were interested in acquiring knowledge about various concepts.  But then, within few weeks, I realized that I am just wasting my time in giving them knowledge for free.  I was not charging anything in lieu of knowledge transfer…how the hell would there be focus, energy, time and willingness.  He he he…People started taking the training sessions for granted.  None of the trainees used to come prepared by revising concepts taught a day earlier.  He he he…They had all sorts of reasons and excuses but no results.   Few even crossed the line of respect and integrity.  He he he…However, they all wanted to be the supreme knowledge bearers without actually working for it.  So they still expect foolishly that I would be continuing those sessions.  He he he…

Do you really think that I would divide my hard earned knowledge to those who want to grab it for free?  Well, I learnt my lesson.  The lesson is – The only way to learn & acquire knowledge is the Hard Way…Only then people would respect it.  Let the hardships of life teach them their own lessons…only then, true learning would happen…

Just imagine…is it that very easy to create willingness, invest time & energy, remain focused and spend huge amount of your hard earned money for acquiring that very thing called…knowledge?  If your answer is yes, think again…

Every month, I read more than 20 business magazines, both national and international just to track the pulse of the market.  The entire cost of my books, magazines and audio / visual business CD’s cost me around four thousand rupees per month.  I consider that as fixed expenses.  I don’t think that amount is peanuts for a guy who considers himself highly underpaid.  Despite of spending close to 14 hours per day in the office, I still manage time to blog, surf information on internet, read business magazines, watch diverse movies, go through financial/business websites four times a day, read business books by well renowned international authors and then study quantitative concepts like Investment Sciences.  Do you all really feel that I have been blessed with few more hours in my watch?  Do you all really feel that my body automatically prepares Glucon D & Bournvita every now and then?  Do you all really think that I don’t have urge to execute friendship and be with my family members?  He he he…Think again…

It’s not easy.  It’s really not so very easy to build knowledge about a particular subject.  One has to go through several hardships prior to building it.  How easily people think that I will share it with them, even though they fail in executing respect in lieu of it? 

I am still ready to multiply knowledge by dividing it…but only to the super-deserving candidates.  Now who decides whether you are super-deserving or non-deserving?…no…it’s not me…but your ability to create willingness, your motivation to invest time & energy, your level of focus and finally your capacity to spend your own hard earned money in grabbing that piece of knowledge.  Now I won’t walk along with people and will only show way.  Because I still have many things to learn and I can not waste my time teaching / preaching people as it has a huge opportunity cost associated with it…atleast for me, isn’t it?  

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Partnering Self - A Salute To The Female Fraternity

Even at this tender age, few people say, that I am alone because I have been ditched by some girl and I haven’t forgotten her.

Few even say that I might have ditched someone and then realized my mistake, so to punish myself, I live a lonely life.

If that’s not just enough, few also say that I can not live with just a single one…so I am alone in order to fit anyone anytime.

Now try this one…he had relationships with numerous women and somehow loved only the eyes of the first, lips of the second, fragrance of the third, voice of the fourth and so on and so forth. And even after several relationships, he could not find a complete woman of his life, so he is alone…he he he…Interesting, isn’t it?

Shall I go ahead with more of them…? He he he…Leave it; otherwise even you will be bored as I am. You would hear many stories about me from many people. Like I used the word stories, they are stories only.

Answer my simple question please… “Is life only about entering into a relationship, thereby finding a partner for your self?

If your answer is “Yes”, please don’t go ahead reading this one, as you would end up wasting time…and if you have a smallest possible doubt or “I don’t know” factor in your mind, go ahead…the signal is green for you.

When I was a child, I had shyness towards words like marriages, lovers and life partners. Blame the Indian conservative culture for it, or simply consider it childhood shyness. The fact remains the same that I kept myself aloof from words like marriages and companionship right from the time when I was four, may be five or something like that. It continued till I acquired a status called teenager.

In my mid teens, I somehow got indulged in practicing Martial Arts. My Sensai told me to devote myself diligently towards practicing the basic art first and then reinventing it for my self. I was associated with Jeet Kuni Do…which required deepest meditation and concentration. Nonetheless to mention that meditation forms the backbone of martial arts, I was asked to keep myself consciously away from girls and female fantasies. So yahaa bhi break lag gayaa…he he he…

When I was in my tenth standard, my life took me to a road often less traveled by normal people. Getting transformed from an atheist to someone who wanted to explore supernatural existence, I started practicing ancient Hindu Tantras. I got inclined towards Bramhcharya, as I started worshipping Lord Hanuman. And we all know what Bramhcharya is all about…he he he…Somehow, when I crossed all the limits of being a Tantrik, my guru proactively asked me to leave the world of tantra for living a normal life, and I was like…back to pavilion.

My tryst with female companionship started after my first year in twelfth standard. Of course, when I was in standard tenth, I was attracted to Manmeet Kaur and Shilpa. But due to my meditative nature and later on for practicing Bramhcharya, I had no option but to let my friends go with the girls. He he he…And when my Guru released me from his spiritual tutelage, I already lost my contact with my Martial Art Sensai. So it was an entirely different world for me with no boundaries. So when I reached my HSSC, I got wrongly involved with few people and skipped my board exams just for winning a bet.

So here begins, the second year of my twelfth standard. I was normally not introduced to any of my friend’s girlfriend, as all my friends used to believe that if it happens, their girls would be spotted along with me in the college premises or surrounding gardens after few days. He he he…Imran actually first observed this, when two days after he introduced his girlfriend to me, Afra was seen with me several times in the near by Grotto. Not only this, people also saw me every now and then with Shireen, who was Afra’s friend. Later on, rumors got spread that Afra, Rishi and Shireen were into triangle relationship. He he he. I still don’t know why Imran was excluded…may be that people those days were aloof from concepts like Quadrilateral relationships. He he he…Anyways, Imran discussed this with Praveen who in turn spread the news among all my friends that we should not introduce our girlfriends to Rishi…he he he…I was not a hunk in my college days, yet innocence was all in my personality. May be that was the reason why my friends used to have problems with me concerning their girlfriends…he he he…

During my days of Bhaigiri…when people used to call me Datch Bhai…I somehow turned myself as a One Stop Solution Bhai of all the beautiful girls in my college…bu hu hu…thereby protecting them from seniors and alien people. It was an innovative way that I chalked out for spreading my bhaigiri in and around my college. He he he…It was this time when Veeru and other friends actually told me that one of the girls who used to accompany my so called pseudo sisters actually used to admire me…he he he…she turned out to be the daughter of HOD Physics and her name was Tesla…he he he. Nothing was in my mind…but friends ungli kar gaye…saalo ne chadhaa diyaa chane ke jhaad pe…and I started observing minutely if she actually admires me or not…She also got the same message from her friends and so we both used to observe each other…dheere dheere galti se baat aage badh rahi thi ke bas…I got involved with one of my friends, attempting girlfriend named Zohra. Tesla and her friends spotted me with Zohra every now and then…Moreover, rumors of relationship between Rishi – Zohra got spread specially among juniors and one fine day I got a message from my so called pseudo sisters that she is not ready to accept me because of my Bhaigiri wali image. He he he…bus fir kyaa thaa…yahaa bhi break lag gayaa…he he he

During my computer education at NIIT, rumors spread that I first got involved with Kalpana, then with Rekha, then with Pooja and lastly with Kamnaa. I remember, I just had few movies, dinners and gardening with these girls. Wait wait wait, I also had outings with Kalpana and Kamnaa…Now if people call it a date, then I must admit that I was dating all the four girls, simultaneously. Oh yes! Simultaneously is the word you should actually concentrate. I used to manage them as all the four girls were from different batches and I used to be at NIIT for the entire day in the name of computer practice. He he he…but what if suddenly few batches get merged and each of the girls came to know that I was dating them SIMULTANEOUSLY…he he he… BREAK UP was the only word that all of them shouted simultaneously…he he he

Nidhi was the only exception with whom I was normally spotted studying or spending time after our MBA Entrance coaching classes at Search International. Despite of this, any kind of rumors did not spread concerning both of us…that’s the only reason why she is an exception…otherwise every other girl who came in contact with me used to get allegedly linked with me in some way or the other…

When I boarded the Nagpur – Pune bus to appear for the MBA entrance exam of SCMHRD, I accidentally ended up meeting three of my graduation tuition classmates…Jyoti, Sarika and Shivangi. Since we were classmates, who never interacted earlier, casual conversation began during the journey. We all returned back in the same bus after getting close to each other in Pune. They asked me to accompany them while returning to Nagpur. I agreed and so they booked four births in the sleeper coach bus. While sleeping next to Sarika, I was completely scared. I really don’t know how, rumors again got spread the very next day in my MBA coaching that Rishi slept with a girl named Sarika, (who studied with me in my commerce classes). Few people from my commerce classes used to attend my MBA coaching classes in the same building. Later, I came to know from Jyoti that Sarika in her hostel casually told her friends about the whole incident. So once again, my image of being a Casanova got strengthened…this time, there were three elements in the story…me, Sarika and our bed, which was actually two combined upper births in the sleeper coach bus from Pune to Nagpur …he he he…not my fault, isn't it?

My next few months ended up with spending time with Jyoti, who was a Punjabi kudi, thereby meeting her everyday at Telangkhedi Hanuman Mandir. Because of my previous poojas, upaasnaas & archanaas, Bajrang Bali gave me some concession and hence we both were often spotted in his temple…She was a very emotional girl. One fine day, she actually told me to meet her parents. This happened in just few months after we interacted for the first time in the bus. Since the girl was very good and too emotional, she started talking about getting engaged and then married after finishing our education. I never intended to screw her life, so I plainly told her that I might not be able to carry it further as I had no plans for marriage. I don’t know whether the heart broken girl had actually forgiven me or not, but I am happy that I did not use her for my chauvinistic gains. See, marriage & companionship were never on my priority list.

After the cancellation of my MBA admission at ICFAI-Hyderabad, I was mentally disturbed. My father gifted me a cell phone stating that I should use it in sync with my pocket. However, friends ko kaon rok saktaa hai…he he he…to interact & to get important messages, Sharique bhai gave my cell number to his girlfriend Tarannum who used to stay in Mumbai. He told me that she was working with Jet Airways as a Domestic Airhostess…and is his childhood friend who later became his girlfriend. Tarannum called me once to give a message to Sharique. We had a very formal communication. Never did I expect that after two months of exchanging messages, Tarannum would call me every night. Not for delivering messages anymore, but to speak to me as she used to find a friend in me. One day she revealed that Sharique is just a good childhood friend of her and not her boyfriend. We both were literally upset with Sharique over this matter. Anyways, she used to call every night and my father used to get disturbed by the calls whenever he used to be home. He he he…And at the end of the month, my father used to check the incoming calls appearing in my cell phone bill…he he he…as those days, even incoming calls were charged by the service providers. One day, she called me and asked me to meet her in a restaurant. Since then, she used to visit Nagpur every month. After two of her visit, she became very verbal to state that she visits Nagpur to meet me. And again I was in a…what to do situation? I never wanted any relationship to crop up, so felt it like a problem…Sometimes, I used to feel that she is playing a double game with me and Sharique. Surprisingly, one day Sharique informed me that Tarannum met with an accident near Nagpur while driving a car. I enquired with our common friend who told me that she wanted to meet me in the hospital. When I reached the hospital, she was already declared dead. I never thought that I would get such an awkward solution to my problem.

Well, well, well…when I joined Convergys, I turned myself as a work machine without any emotions and spent a year without actually being involved in any rumor / controversy. However, in the second year, I got attracted by the simplicity of Shikha. She used to work with the Quality team and was the simplest salwar suit type of a girl. Normally we do not find such girls in BPO’s…he he he…I mean, I can count the number of Shikha type girls working in BPO’s on my fingure tips...Since I had ample time after my office, I started thinking about her and penned down those thoughts on paper...that was the time, when I discovered a poet within myself…I wrote eight poetry based on the thought processes that Shikha used to give me those days, even though we never ever interacted with each other…Then suddenly one day I saw her in a modern get up…tight low waist jeans, revealing T-shirt, parlored hair. Everything in her was fake…just like every other BPO girl. Must tell you that she dissolved herself with modernism and since that very day, whenever I tried writing something on her, I couldn’t find even a single thought that can be penned down into a poem.

Even though I closed the chapter called Shikha, the entire experience gave me an insight about writing poetry. Consequently, I ended up searching sweet and simple girls which could give me thoughts and inspiration for writing poetry. I used to interact and be friendly with them over coffee or dinner or sometimes movies too, just to grab that source of inspiration which could then germinate a poem.

The idea was to emerge as a prolific poet and not as a foolish emotional lover. Hence, I followed a simple rule. I used to admire a particular girl only till the time; she used to give me inspiration for my poem. The moment, girls stopped giving me thoughts; I used to replace them with another girl who can probably be the source of inspiration for my future writings. Those days, I used to compare girls with “use and throw refills” which were used in a ball point pen. The moment refill got over, it got replaced with another…he he he…you have every reasons to hate me for this…but I was driven with a conscious desire to write poems...That was entirely a different motivation which normally people don’t have…I am glad, I wrote close to ninety poetry with not more than two poems per girl…he he he…After working for two years with Convergys, I left the company citing a reason that I wanted to make writing as a full time career. He he he…My tryst with female companionship ended when I left IBM within seven months of joining.

My days at Xchanging taught me to be professional. It was at Xchanging where I learnt the true meaning of my existence. Concepts like Research & Analysis, Investment Banking and Entrepreneurship started flowing in my blood just to reach my soul.

Since then, I never got involved with any female and hence concentrated more on career development and knowledge building rather than poetry writing. There was a drastic change in my personality as I built a solid network and used it for my professional gains. I was heavily involved into office politics first by being its victim and then by preying others to victimize them…I literally played the game of business at Xchanging and hence learnt my corporate strengths and weaknesses.

I learnt that I don’t possess the characteristics of Narayana Murthy or Dheerubhai Ambani who can still derive moral support from their better half and create Infosys & Reliance in their lifetime. Even Ratan Tata is not married and feels the same. I learnt that female companionship and family are the only two weaknesses that can lead me towards defeat in my corporate battle, as I can be emotional for them at any point of time. I know that in my later life, I will have to combat several corporate demons and for that I would have to invest a hell lot of time. As such, I know I will never be able to give time to my family members and life partner, even if I make any. My family understands this, but what if my partner & children fail to understand this…Why to create another family and ruin it when I know that I can not handle it…

I am just trying to make Jeet Kuni Do my way of life…it tells us to learn the basic art first and then to re-invent it according to our strengths and weaknesses…I don’t really feel that I am doing anything wrong, by not ruining others life…I am going as per the preaching that I got in my earlier life…and I am fortunate enough that my Martial Art Sensai actually taught me what Jeet Kuni Do is all about…it’s not just a fighting technique but a way of life.

Well that’s still something which you will understand because my reasoning possesses the feel good factor as mentioned above. But what if I have other reasons too…he he he

Now try this one…

There is something called as female artifice or feminine airs. In Hindi, we often call it Nakhra which females generally posses. Most of the times, females use it purposefully to woe men. I have had many of such nakhras in my amateurish days by so many females that I don’t even remember which girl carried which artifice. But now, I simply fail to tolerate them. Today I feel bugged up by all those female nakhras to such an extent that I prefer being alone rather than living with a female possessing it. And that’s the only reason you will find me watching movies or dining outside alone. With all due respect to the female fraternity of this world, I would just like to make my point, that still, there are other credible things which people like me, would prefer rather than just being victimized to female artifice.

I am not a misogynist. But at the same time, I am not the one who would give concessions to females in every respect. I am a die hard believer of the fact that – Only males are not driven by the desire of possessing females, even females are driven by the same kind of desire of possessing males. And because of this, both males and females would do anything good or bad to acquire the status called companionship in their life.

But the million dollar question is – Is it necessary for all human beings to make companionship in some way or the other…be it girlfriends, boyfriends, lovers, husbands & wives and so on and so froth? Don’t we have other credible things on earth to do rather than just going ahead and creating families? I mean you can still be a family man/woman if you have existing family, but is it necessary to create another or extend your existing one?

After all companionship motivates every Tom, Dick or Harry to indulge himself with every Tina, Dolly or Helen…” The only question that separates me from the so called masses is – “Being straight, how different am I when it comes to companionship?”

This is the question which sets me to be on an experimental mode. It motivates me to give this world few theories based on the facts of my actual life. Often people say that I may ruin my life if I go ahead with such experiments living a lonely life.

But then the entire world has witnessed the fact that good result of any experiment is nothing but an outcome of many sacrifices, out of the box thinking, dare to attempt odd activities and living with criticism. And I am gamed for it.

For professional networking even today or in future, you may spot me sipping Tea / Coffee or Dry Martini (shaken not stirred) with few female counterparts in my office or in some restaurants.

After all, professional networking is something which I can not avoid, even with females. Professional networking keeps me updated with latest information and happenings in and around me which in turn keeps me awake while fighting the corporate war.

At the end of the day, I know I have the capability of changing refills in a pen and magazines in a gun whenever the earlier one gets completely used up. Got the message? He he he

I and Ambition…make a perfect pair. And the latest rumor is that we are in a live-in relationship. He he he…I live in my ambition and my ambition lives in me…he he he…believe it or not, it’s a rumor, just like the ones I had in my past life…he he he…

Companionship is something, which I left for people like you…

My name Rishi does not make me a saint…but yes…I am a scientist, who invented his own religion…called Bonding…which has more depth when compared with words like companionship.



Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Dream…Reincarnated

Quite often people ask me…Why aren’t you an MBA?

Till a year ago, I used to be speechless on this question as I knew that I can lose every battle in life, if the opponent attacks me with this Ballistic Missile. 

Nostalgia still surrounds me when I try and remember those days of the year 2000-2001, when I used to waste my time along with my college friends doing nothing.  Those were the days, when I was totally unaware of my ambitions and the very reason of my existence.  Life, for me was just like a river, which used to flow where ever it found slope.  The only good thing of that era was that I was totally a carefree guy, who enjoyed that time with all my friends, grabbed my share of eye tonics and indulged with many petty college fights for silliest possible reasons.  But every good thing has a price tag attached with it that one has to pay, in some way or the other.  Quite often, this tag is visible to people, but I think I overlooked it and so got derailed. 

Flashbacks of my pubescent days would reveal that my coach at Search International Srinivasa Rao was the man in my life who accidentally became my mentor.  Today, I don’t even know where he is.  However, he made me aware about the existence of corporate world and directed me to pursue an MBA under his expert tutelage thereby prepared me for various national level entrances.  Nidhi and Ratna were the only exceptions in my so called friends list, as they were closely aligned to their MBA goals and were the only studious people around me.  Initially I used to be uncomfortable with them as I was far behind them.  However, both of them tightly gripped me as if they were determined enough to give me a study ride, for the first time in my life.  He he he…

Somehow, I managed to get a provisional admission with ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad and started my MBA education with the top twelfth Indian Business School those days.  However, when you realize mistakes and take corrective actions to mitigate them, things might not shape up the way you want them to be.  I tried my best to come out of the darkness of my life, for few ounce of light, but then realized that my earlier mistakes caused me problems, which were bigger enough to such an extent that they almost affected my life.  As I missed my eligibility criteria of being a graduate with 50% marks, my MBA admission got cancelled…I could secure only 49.45% in my graduation.  This was the time when I realized the importance of a single drop, which can not cause an oceanic effect if it is not complete.  After undergoing two months of professional education with budding managers / leaders of the country, I had to leave the program in between to start a fresh life from ground zero.  Failure coupled with mental depression accompanied me for the next two years. 

I knew that every top class BSchool in India had the same eligibility criteria as ICFAI Business School had, so I would never be able to pursue my dream of being an MBA.  I never intended to settle down for an MBA from any Tier 2 or Tier 3 BSchool.  IIM’s though maintain a simple graduate degree as their eligibility criteria, but it is a world wide fact that they have soft corners only for people from IIT’s, NIT’s and REC’s or those who are academically inclined.  I was not even close to this.  Till the end of year 2002, I covered myself by teaching Mathematics & English for SSC and HSSC students and thought it to be my earning source.  However, I used to feel the absence of those corporate kicks and punches that I felt at Search International. 

To add further to my dismay, most of my enemies (of my college days) got the news that Datch (my nick name in my college) turned himself as a monk…and does not involve himself in gang wars anymore.  Vindictively, they planned to settle their scores with me.  I had only two options, either to strike back hard to them or to choose a path of non-violence.  It was very easy to strike back for a person like me who already spent four of his years doing the same…but the real task was to remain out of foolishness & violence and mend a constructive future for a life ahead.  The moment I got the news that they already threw acid on the faces of one of my accomplice and his fiancĂ©, I took an immediate decision to go underground.  People still feel that I got scared of them and I still choose to remain silent on my choice of non-violence.  It was during this time, that I saw a multinational company, called Convergys advertising for the first time in Nagpur for its entry level vacancies.  Since I was bored being underground, I went to the venue without informing anyone and appeared for the interview.  To my surprise, I was one of those eight candidates to which the company provided the final offer letter, even though more than 800 people applied.  After a very long time, I felt distinguished.  I decided to leave Nagpur for my job at Convergys in Gurgaon, as there was no point in remaining underground in Nagpur for indefinite period. 

It was my Mom’s birthday on January 02, 2003, when I left her and my family to board the train to Delhi (Gurgaon).  I started my corporate career the very next day with Convergys, thereby leaving my family far behind.  Even today all my colleagues know that when it comes to business, I am so very ruthless to leave my family behind for achieving those corporate objectives.  My family members don’t have any qualms about my attitude towards business.  For them, my transformation from a Crook-Casanova to a Professional is the biggest gift that I had given to them.  In the last five to six years of my journey, I met with many people, learnt and unlearnt many things, faced several “Wow” and “Oh no” moments and built a solid professional network involving top notch Consultants, Investment Bankers, Software Engineers, MNC Country Heads, Entrepreneurs and Gombas (Grossly Overpaid MBAs). 

Since past three years, whenever I used to feel the guilt of not having an MBA, I used to pacify myself by going through an MBA course book.  Gradually, over the time, I built conceptual understanding of almost the entire Finance course structure that any MBA finance graduate would study.  I have gone through various concepts on organizational behavior, marketing and economics.  I got my certification in Quality and Project Management.  I made a conscious habit of reading 18 – 20 business magazines every month including international ones too.  I developed a discipline to go through the leading financial websites just like any Namazee would do his Namaaz, four / five times a day.  I practice work ethics and corporate governance effectively in my office.  I am the only one in my team, who never took even a single leave ever since I joined my company.  And then I ask myself a simple question, “What else would an MBA do which I don’t?”  And this is what I get as an answer, “An MBA would always feel that HE IS AN MBA”.  That sense of being an MBA is still missing in me.  Again my incompleteness frequently tells me that despite of making sea changes, I have not yet created any oceanic effect in my life. 

I met with many qualified / non-qualified MBA’s from Tier 2 or Tier 3 B-Schools like IILM, JIMS, IIPM, FORE, IMT, MIT, IMDR, Apeejay, Asia Pacific, IIF, Christ College and from many more institutes…

Oh God! I find most of such MBA’s actually demeaning the word called MBA.  Forget about the intellect they should carry, they don’t even possess professional skill sets and mannerisms. 

Most of them get wrongly involved in one night stands every other night. 

Deceit, treachery, flattery and betrayal are their characteristic features.

Professionalism does not even flow out of their dressing sense, as most of them dress shabbily even during their office hours, just to reveal their assets. 

Fridays are normally official Sundays for them. 

“Work Hard & Party Harder” is their mool mantra…but they don’t even work hard…they just party harder…he he he…

Office hours can be well utilized for developing new skills; however these people don’t even feel ashamed in watching movies or clubbing during their office hours. 

They would do all sorts of obnoxious things like bitching rather than taking action for their own good. 

For these people, practicing discipline is considered as a military rule.  They don’t see it as a way of life.  I really don’t know why Military is a negative word in their dictionary. 

I have seen many MBAs who blame others of being ignorant to many things; however they themselves ignore their monthly goals given to them.  He he he…

Their Arrogance Quotient of learning 10 and showing 100 is well reflected even during their presentations.  They won’t leave even a single chance to show you that you know nothing and we are the supreme knowledge bearers. 

There are many, who willfully drag others in their personal problems / grudges, and that too in office.  Oh God! They really don’t find anything constructive to do…he he he…so they start practicing destruction. 

Give them an onsite assignment (often known as an OJT / transition), and they would be ready to compromise everything for it.  Quite often, you would find them visiting an alien land for a company assignment and end up doing the first half of a DDLJ (Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge) there.  Few of them go ahead by creating the unreleased / uncut versions of Basic Instincts and Original Sins.  He he he.  They generally, are motivated by honeymoon tourism rather than professionalism.  He he he…

Pseudo Relationships – wow…I have seen many of them making it, and rest of them just breaking it to make some more of them.  And believe me, all this happens at their workplace.  Pity…isn’t it?  Industry would rarely show hostile takeovers but these people can teach you how it can be done with pseudo relationships.   They don’t even mind to stake their good going careers for it. 

For them, rules are always to be broken and goals / targets are always to be missed. 

And at the end of the year, every one wants growth, even though they know that they seldom worked for it. 

All sorts of incentives, high ratings and awards become so important to them that they forget their overall development as a human being or a corporate professional. 

All said and done, these people are doing nothing but running a RAT RACE. 

If such is the grooming that these Tier 2 / Tier 3 BSchools give to their students, then I am HAPPY, that I am not an MBA today. 

Academically, I am not an Intellectual Gladiator…but still I am GLAD to the fact that; Seven years ago, I made a choice wherein I did not compromise my dream by settling for a Tier 2 / Tier 3 BSchool.  I preferred death of my MBA goals rather than diminishing the value of my educational ambition.  

However, through effective professional networking, I have also experienced the acme of intellectualism and the pinnacle of professionalism portrayed by MBA’s who transitioned their lives from institutes like Harvard, Wharton, LSB and ISB.  So a ray of optimism is still there.  Though the ray is single and is more of hope named ISB-Hyderabad, I still feel that I need an MBA…and with the selection pattern that ISB Hyderabad follows for it's intake, I am sure, my MBA dreams would definately turn into reality.  

It’s a high time for me to gift myself, A GOOD YEAR with ISB HYDERABAD. 

The challenge is to remain out of RAT RACE, be SERENE and concentrate on REBUILDING my attitude and aptitude for getting myself admitted in the institute of repute and prestige. 

Indeed, a dream that died seven years ago is reborn.